Zeo shutting down: export your data!

Following a long absence, I finally started using my Zeo bedside device again. After collecting 3 weeks of sleep data and then attempting to upload & view it, I was saddened to learn of Zeo’s demise last year! :frowning: Luckily I found this forum and thanks to those such as @bo3bber, @Dan_Dascalescu, and @Jay_Aitchsee I was able to unencrypt my ZEOSLEEP.DAT file and then view my data with the ZeoDecoderViewer v0.2a2! :slight_smile: I’ve also updated my firmware to v2.6.3O so that I can skip the unencrypting step going forward. And I guess I’ll need to look into the DIY Replacement Sensor Pads methods I stumbled upon too…

I also wanted to export my data into a spreadsheet (ex. Excel) like the old MyZeo website offered for easier overall viewing. Luckily, I stumbled upon the ConvertToCSV sample class in the ZeoDataDecoder.zip package. I have compiled that sample code and folded it into the ZeoDataDecoder.jar and posted it inside this ZeoDataDecoder.zip. Use the following command to create your CSV file:

java.exe -jar ZeoDataDecoder.jar ZEOSLEEP.DAT > ZeoSleep.csv

A quick comparison of the data in a ZeoDataDecoder.jar-generated CSV file and a corresponding ZeoDecoderViewer-generated display revealed the following:

  • The “Sleep Date” column value does NOT match the date in the corresponding ZeoDecoderViewer-generated display; but the “End of Night” column does match.
  • Are the time values in GMT? They are certainly NOT local.
  • The “Time to Z” column value is HALF of what it is in the corresponding ZeoDecoderViewer-generated display. This posting talks about “the viewer is reporting twice the time to sleep (Z) as it should”.

Thank you QuantifiedSelf.com and all who contribute here!

BTW… I’ve searched high & low for the ZeoDecoderViewer v0.2a2 source (“source_ZeoDecoderViewer0.2a2.zip”) to no avail. :frowning: Does anyone have it?

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