A quantitative framework for managed change

I just self-published my first book, T-Frame: A Framework For Managed Transformation. It describes a “process framework” that I created. It deconstructs a being into traits and their associated, quantifiable attributes. Metrics are assigned to the attributes and used for assessments. There is a process of long-term goal setting with embedded short-term goals and this process is used to move aspects of being (e.g. cognitive ability, muscular endurance, facets of stress) from current state to target state.

There is a chapter on Transformational Engineering that lays out a scheme for quantifying volume and intensity of personal change, aggregation of cost factors and the utilization of these concepts to optimize further process plans.

I’m not a salesman and typically shun any kind of promotional activity, but this book maps so well to the interests and attitudes of the QS community that I had to post. The eBook can be obtained through Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C8SQISA/

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, I can be contacted at: tyler [at] mayaculpa [dot] com
