Sensory Deprivation Tank + Quantifying Data

Hi, So I’m doing a project for a Visual Design class and I am supposed to implement wayfinding/experience design with recreation. I decided to mix the topic of Sensory Deprivation Tanks and quantifying the data in there. I don’t know much about quantitave apps etc yet and I’m doing research (so I can design it). I was thinking of creating a wristband that is synced with your phone and you can record data like: Heart rate,
skin temperature, sweat levels, movements… Anything else a wristband would be able to measure in the tank that would be useful?

Since it’s going to be synced with your phone, if you entered your credit card info to the app, you could add extra time in the tank easily from the wrist band, anaylze your bodies data so you can compare it to different float sessions, anaylze the data when you entered altered states, and be able to record sound if you want to remember a thought.

-1: I tried the sensory deprivation tank myself at Float Matrix. You don’t really know when you’re time is up. They will knock on the door to let you know when your session is done. But what if you would like to add more time to your session (you set amount of time prior to visit).
-2: Not being able to analyze your bodies data. Usually people will get really great results after 2-5 times of float sessions. Sometimes you get breakthroughs into deep meditative and altered states but you don’t know when/how it happened.
-3: Gaining insight/ideas/epiphanies but not being able to write them down.
-4: You might run into a conflict like getting the water in your eye. (Water has
800 lbs. of epsom salt which is what makes you float effortlessly)
-5: People run into problems with setting wrong appointments
-6: People don’t always prepare correctly for best experience.


  • Wristband synced with phone app?
  • Motion piece of how wristband works.

+1: Instead of them knocking, the wristband and vibrate and light up brightly in the tank to tell you your session is complete. (Light can match pantone color of branding lol). If your time is up and you’d like to add more time to your session, you can add additional time from your wristband (If you were enjoying the session, this adds impulse, and users would have to pay extra). Credit card info memorized in app which is synched or with cashier if app isn’t allowed for this project.
+2: Wristband can record quantified data like heart rate, bpm, skin/body temperature, and movements. Data can be recorded to compare to previous and prior sessions to understand how you are getting to those altered states, the time it took to get to those states, changes in heart rate etc…
+3: You can’t write down ideas in water, but you can record yourself. You can record ideas/epiphanies/insight through the wristband and have it linked to the phone app.
+4: You could get an assistant without leaving tank without too many distractions via wristband.
+5: App will have a well designed and reduced visual user interface for dummies so they can set their appoints correctly.
+6: App will have a friendly walkthrough to inform user of how to prepare before and during the session.

Thanks for your guys help! And if you wanna see my portfolio its

What sensory deprivation?
Sensory deprivation tanks. An isolation tank is a lightless, soundproof tank inside which subjects float in salt water at skin temperature. They were first used by John C. Lilly in 1954 to test the effects of sensory deprivation. Such tanks are now also used for meditation and relaxation and in alternative medicine.

What are some of the benefits of sensory deprivation?

Benefits (gives insight to design):
Stimulates left/right brain synchronization

Shifts brain waves from Beta (normal day to day tasks) to lower frequency Alpha (daydreaming state/ when we are relaxed but aware of what is happening around us, Theta (reduced concsciousness/ inbetween awake & sleep), and even Delta (unconsciouness or deep sleep)

Creates mental clarity and focus
Increases creativity
Increases problem solving
Heightens visualization
Deepens meditation
Expands awareness
Intensifies acuteness of all the senses
Promotes total calm, peaceful relaxation
Improves Athletic performance

Speeds recovery from injuries, sore joints and muscles
Reduces Lactic Acid build up
Rapidly eliminates fatigue
Helps reduce pain
Reduces cortisol levels
Relaxes the mind
Improves concentration/focus
Improves oxygen circulation

Promotes total calm, peaceful relaxation
Alleviate stress & anxiety: mental and physical
Eliminates fatigue and jet lag
Improves sleep
Creates mental clarity & focus
Increases creativity, problem solving; heightens visualization
Speeds healing process
Quickens rehabilitation and recovery from back aches and physical activity
Relieves pain: arthritis, migraines, injuries, etc.
Boosts immune function
Flush toxins
Can reduce inflammation and bloating

Helps ease stress
Improves sleep and concentration
Helps muscles and nerves function properly
Reduces inflammation
Helps reduce pain & muscle cramps
Regulates activity of over 300 enzymes
Makes insulin more effective

Flushes toxins
Improves absorption of nutrients
Helps form joint proteins, brain tissue, and mucin proteins
Helps ease migraines

More info:
People using early float tanks discovered that they enjoyed the experience and that the relaxed state was also a healing state for many conditions including stress, anxiety, pain, swelling, insomnia and jet lag.

Fatigue elimination and reduced jet lag symptoms; improved sleep; stress (mental and physical) reduction; and energy and alertness.

Left/right brain synchronization; mental clarity, increases creativity, problem solving; heightened visualization; acuteness of all the senses, accelerates learning; motivation, diminished depression, and improved athletic.

In medical terms, it appears to decrease the production of Cortical, ACTH, Lactic Acid and Adrenaline; while increasing production of endorphins. Some doctors say it even boosts immune function, reduces blood pressure, pulse, heart rate and oxygen consumption. Floating in a zero gravity environment is ideal for managing back pain during pregnancy.

Recommended watch: Joe Rogan discussing isolation tanks

Just a thought: Instead of collecting data during the sessions (which I imagine would kind of interfere with the experience), why not collect data before and after the sessions to see if there are significant short and long term benefits?

I like this idea, too. I haven’t tried a tank yet (though I researched them thoroughly a few months ago and I’m keen to give it a go) but I imagine it would affect how relaxed I was, if I was aware that I was tracking the experience.

I would think that wearing a wristband goes against the purposes of sensory deprivation. The wirstband will be able to be felt the whole time.

I would rather install a microphone. As the tank is silent that should get you breathing rate. Vibrations in the water might give you pulserate.

Knocking does seem suboptimal. I would install a loudspeaker inside the tank and let it play a a nice sound to mark the end of the session. I would begin that sound very silent and slowly make it louder.