To Do List App

Happy new year everyone! Like everyone else I am in the process of making a game plan for my new years resolutions.

I’ve decided to try and attempt them using a to do list of 15 small to medium size tasks I want to do every week (ex. working out, reading etc). I would like to track my success rate doing these tasks and look at when I complete them each week.

Has anyone seen a to do list app that tracks when you complete each task and ideally lets you export it to excel?


For the success tracking, use Beeminder:

This doesn’t answer the question of how you’re reminding yourself and tracking the tasks, but I’m assuming that if you care about Excel export for the purposes of analyzing your progress, then you wouldn’t need as complicated a task list app if you were using something like Beeminder, which is the part that measures your success continually.

I have been using Taskify, and so far I like it.