Analyzing 10 years of my online life - all my facebook, google and linkedin data

Hmm there are definitely a lot of messages there. In the raw facebook export folder I can find them in messages -> inbox, with folders for each user I messaged that contain a .json file of the messages.

Brainstorming here, some other interesting summaries to see could be:

  • how many times other people (and who) like things that you post on your timeline (it shows comments, and it shows likes of pictures, but I don’t think it shows likes of timeline posts? Not sure if that data was included in the facebook export, though)

  • Visualizations that break down the bar graphs (e.g. of profiles you searched, who you reacted to, comments by day of the week) by different time scales (e.g. comparison across years, or months), similar to rescuetime summaries by week, month, year, etc. I see that you can view for certain time windows, but it would be cool to see how who I interact with changed over time in one plot.

  • List of the labels/interests about me that advertisers see, and who advertises to me (I pulled this out in the raw .json file and thought it was pretty amusing, so others might be interested to see this in the tool interface)

  • I don’t think this info is actually in the export either, but as a social network researcher I think it would be really cool to see a network of my friends, and which of my friends are friends, etc. I know at one point there was a program that would do this that doesn’t exist anymore. Do you happen to know of one?

  • Anything that could break down a ratio of how often i contact a person vs how often they contact me.

Again, cool tool! I’ve been recommending to my friends.
