Adding a Mental Strategies Toolkit to your Data Tracking

Still feeling the charge of the Amsterdam conference, I’d like to pose the question: what are the mental strategies that people use in their data tracking? Before (or after) entering data, taking a chipped placebo pill, or fitbitting-it, there is a thought process that gets activated and initiated. I’m curious about that process.

For example, I asked Nancy Dougherty to reveal the cascade of thoughts that came after swallowing her ingeniously designed chipped placebo pills for mood regulation. Her response was that she said to herself: “Do I really want to continue feeling this way?” And then she gave herself 10 minutes to indulge in the unwanted mood before the “pill” effectively changed it.

That’s a great strategy for changing an unwanted state – you don’t need a pill to try it, but certainly the pill helps to seal the deal, and adds an element of play. I’m interested in tracking when you consciously interrupt an undesired state of mind with this kind of mental strategy, and seeing how this pattern-interrupt effects the overall outcome.

If anyone is interested in this approach, send an email to me at And if you need a few new techniques to play with, I’ll send you a .pdf with five mental strategies that I think work well with tracking. (The mental strategies I’ll be sending you are all from tried-and-true NLP [Neuro Linguistic Programming], Hypnosis, and Energy Medicine techniques. Plus a couple that I have used on myself, and have given as “homework” to people that I work with.)

You can determine the length of time you try these strategies out (I’d recommend at least one week) and in exchange, you send me your data and a paragraph or so about what you noticed. I’ll compile the results and present them at one of the Spring NYC Q.S. meetups. And I will be doing this myself as well.

And of course, I’m interested in anyone else’s ideas and approaches to this question.

Thanks! Kristin