Cognitive tracking with minimal impact from practice effect

Does anyone know of any cognitive performance applications (mobile) that minimise the impact of the practice effect?

I read about 2-back in Kahneman and Tversky’s Thinking Fast and Slow and know there are plenty of apps that provide this. I would be interested particularly in applications that offer downloadable content (csv data) with time and date stamps.

Any feedback is much appreciated, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I use Elevate (android and I think apple too) which gives you 3 different tests per day, ( in reality these repeat about every 20 days and sadly you get more practice at the skills where you have the lowest scores) it then divides scores according to listening/memory/reading/writing/arithmetic etc. It’s certainly not perfect but it’s good enough for me to be able to measure the difference in my memory that correlates with my bad days in terms of inflammation.


Hi James,
Thanks a lot for your reply I will give this a go!

Elevate looks nice. Have you figured out a way to export your daily scores?

yeah, i write them down quickly and type them into a spreadsheet :slight_smile: #oldschool
I think their paid version has better review features but between this and I get a fairly good idea of where I am cognitively.
I was noticing a big difference in my reaction time until I realised there is nearly a 100ms difference between my laptop/mouse and android/touch.
but there is definitely a market for something that would allow a spreadsheet export of results