Developing a Comprehensive Personal Health Information Self-Quantification System

Dear self-quantifiers,

My name is Manal. I’m a PhD candidate at Health and Biomedical Informatics Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia. Now, I am conducting an online survey questionnaire as part of my PhD research project which aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities for self-managed healthcare that are raised by people using internet connected devices and self-quantification services to collect data about their personal health and fitness status. This research has received approval from the University of Melbourne’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC 1339336.1). I need your support by filling out the survey, and spreading the survey’s link around. If you are interested, the survey will take approximately 40-50 minutes. You can save and reload unfinished survey (note: cookies must be enabled, and you must use the same browser in order to pick up and finish the survey). Further details are provided on the first survey page.

Please click here to take the survey

Note: if the link above is not working, simply copy and paste this link at your browser:

Thank you in advance,
Manal Almalki
Email: malmalki(at)

Just completed the survey; would be great if you could post a link to the results here!

OK…and thank you very much for your help and participation…
