Developing a Goal Mapping App, Feedback Appreciated!

I’m developing a visual goal mapping web application for my senior project and I wanted to get some feedback from communities that strive to accomplish their goals. I was interested in getting some feedback on what people are using/doing to keep track and accomplish their goals , so if you’re interested feel free to fill out the survey below! The better responses you give the easier it is going to be for me to make something awesome for you guys! Thank you! :smiley:

Hi Kevin, If you want informed feedback from QS folks you might have better luck by participating here for a while then creating a poll, rather than linking over to that sparkpeople forum, which is kind of awful.

Wow this is embarrassing, I didn’t mean to link to that forum, which yes I agree is pretty awful. Sorry!

Thanks for changing. I answered the survey. Good luck with your work!

Thanks Gary! Much appreciated!