Different impact of cycling and running on body composition during weight loss

I just published a blogpost where I am sharing an interesting data visualization. After a period of weight loss, I switched from cycling to running (vertical line in the chart below) due to mechanical problems with my race bike. Afterwards, my fatmass loss continued at a similar pace (yellow-ish line), but my overal weight loss (purple line) stagnated, as my muscle mass (blue line) and bone mass (red line) started increasing as a consequence of picking up running.

I found it interesting that apparently running has such a different impact on my body composition than cycling does. Intuitively, this makes a lot of sense, but I’ve never seen it visualized like this, which was a bit of an eye-opener to me, particularly because it is based on my own data. The full blogpost with a more detailed description is available here: https://hermandevries.nl/2020/10/30/different-impact-of-cycling-and-running-on-body-composition-during-weight-loss/

If anyone else has similar experiences, I would love to learn about them!

PS: I added a download link for the R notebook that I used at the bottom of my blogpost, in case anyone wants to replicate this chart with his/her own Withings data.


I really like the standardized values approach.

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Hey @hermandevries, that’s super interesting and agree with @Agaricus, it’s a nice way of visualizing it! Any chance you’ll join us at the Self-Research chat on Thursday and present your findings? :slight_smile:

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Thanks Bastian! And yes I can make it this Thursday, I’ve put it in my agenda this time. :slight_smile: I was already planning to join again this past Thursday but something got in between. See you then!


Perfect, looking forward to it! :slight_smile: