Early Adopters for Smart Supplement Bottle for precision wellness

Hi all,

I have embarked 2 years ago on a journey to understand wellbeing and happiness to deal with my life.

As part of this journey, I found that we all struggle with 5 healthy habits: Eat, move, hydrate, mental resilience and sleep. And those direct impact the 5 wellbeing states:

  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Social Wellbeing
  • Spiritual Wellbeing

I have invented a smart supplementation bottle, where the bottle creates a dynamic hydration plan, every day based on multiple inputs. The bottle can carries also 6 supplements do be dispensed during the day following your routine. So you get your health peak performed by having the right supplement at the right time.

As a new segment product that are stacking habits, followed by an App to deal with positive mindset backed by science of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, I am aware the is not easy to present and visualize the product.

The bottle simplify your routine by:

  • Automatically tracking hydration thru a sensor and Bluetooth (no need to input in a app)
  • Automatically dispensing supplements on water on the time you programmed.
  • A sensor that measure the quality of your tap water
  • An interactive display working as visual aid
  • sustainable materials

I am looking for Early adopters willing to share their needs and eventually test the bottle for a couple of months and give me some honest feedbacks on what works, what not.

Hi all,

I add a survey link about the 5 health habits. Appreciate if you can answer it

and let me know if you are interested in see the product.