Hi! What to do with GSR and skin temp data?

Hello everyone! I just got a Basis Peak and love it, especially how everything is automatic. I downloaded some of the data and wanted to know what the GSR and skin temp relate to? Does this tell me about my mood? Stress? Calorie burn?

I know the basis can do more than what it shows on the app and am trying to leverage the data to understand more about myself.

I put some of my data on an open google spreadsheet here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15bU5oqSPyOnLI_tvTYoiqCQ70VDS-AYDk5QTn7JgIHo/edit?usp=sharing.

I believe the Basis Peak uses GSR and skin temp (together with heart rate) to estimate the calorie burn, and to detect sleep.

To figure out if and how any of these variable reflect your mood or stress, you’d have to keep track of that manually for a while, and then see how it correlates with the data. Would make for an interesting QS show and tell talk :slight_smile:

Hmmmm… that sounds like a great idea. Any apps that you know of that might let me export my mood data?

I have been tracking that for over a year now. Also using the basis.

GSR of the Basis is way to variable to find correlations, peaks in GSR says way more about stress than the actual level does, so be careful with yur interpretations. If you plan to analyze it. you may consider dividing GSR in categories " low-middle-high" and then look for differences. I managed to find a correlation there with stress.

For skin temperature, there will be now (or really small correlation) skin temperature is mostly influenced by weather temperature, if you can control for this, than maybe you can find something.

I have been using Taplog app and rate my stress, productivity, activity etc. every day with a 1-10 rating. Very easy to export