iPhone Equivalant of Android's TapLog?

Hi everyone, I’m pretty new to QS and self-tracking but I’ve been going through the QS forums and guide to look into the best tools/apps for my metric tracking needs.

Today I found a super simple app called “Tap Log” (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ig7o7DyIaw for the demo). I love the simplicity of it to track various mood and activity metrics but unfortunately I can’t find anything that close to this app on the iPhone, which is weird because I’ve found it’s usually Android missing the apps. 42Goals seems to have the closest functionality but they just have a web app accessible via mobile.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Hey Steve, have you seen Daytum? It’s a simple, all-purpose tracker app that does most of what Tap Log does. http://daytum.com/

Some downsides:
[]In the past, it’s randomly lost some of my data. I’m not the only one having this problem, by the looks of the reviews in the App Store. I export my data frequently.
]I’m not sure it’s currently maintained. The last update was released in 2011.

Hi Mary, thanks for the info. I saw Daytum in the guide but was turned off after seeing the reviews mentioning how “buggy” it can be. And now that you mention the bugs can lead to lost data I’m completely turned off but it. If you or anyone else can think of another solution let me know. Meanwhile I’ll keep searching :slight_smile:


I’ve used Track and Share for various general purpose logging reasons; it has built in options for mood etc. but quite customisable to form anything else be it numeric, text or categorical.

Developer is very friendly if you have requests!

If you wanted something with web sync, the nearest I know of is probably Tictrac. I haven’t used it much yet, but I understand there is an app that can record entries offline, and then you would use the website for analysis. Originally I was slightly put off because I couldn’t see that you could export data you logged onsite, but I believe there was a recent upgrade to enable that so thinking to look again!

You may want to take a look at rTracker. Seems like a good app for simple tracking. There is a great interview with the developer here.

I’ve used Dayta in the past, but it’s no longer being actively developed.

Awesome thanks for the suggestions! I’ll check them both out!

I actually like daytum a lot. I’ve used it for many years without any problems. TapLog seems to have a more straight-forward interface for quick tracking though.

If you’re interested in living on the cutting-edge, you should check out the general-purpose tracker I’m working on: https://thyself.io

Can my app selfsurvey be helpful?


I have been using Lumen Trails(http://www.lumentrails.com)

I’m now also looking for an iPhone version of Tap Log. Most of the suggestions in this thread are no longer in the Appstore. Any more suggestions for a very simple app? I’m wanting to minimize the number of ‘clicks’ to be able to log instances, and to be able to add explanatory text either at the same time or later.
