List of APIs

Hi all,
I’ve been aware of the QS movement for a long time, and I’ve also played around with tracking apps - weight, exercise etc. But now I’m playing around with hacking together some time tracking scripts and using R to visualize things. I am also interested in pulling in other information, so I was looking for a list of APIs or ways of getting information out of services…

Here’s what I’ve done so far btw, very simple:

Things I’d also like to track are time spent/pages/books read on my Kindle, emails received/written/read or just archived unread, tabs open in Chrome etc. I have some ideas on how to do all this (after a bunch of Googling), but there don’t seem to be any comprehensive list - the QS app list is more a list of complete apps, not how we can get our data out.

Is there such a list somewhere or should we start one? I’ve already come across a few pointers which I could share.


I took my time to sign up to tell you to get rid of this whole forum. It takes too long to sign up and googling your last name Gary is too much.

I much rather prefer everyone as editor of WordPress blogs where people can use livefyre to comment.

Anyways. On topic. has this aggregated already.

You’ll increase your users if you make it easier to comment. Until then.

Also. Subteddits pretty much make forums useless. There’s /r/QuantifiedSelf.

Also. Subteddits pretty much make forums useless. There’s /r/QuantifiedSelf.

Haha, I actually just signed up to post this, and I did kind of feel the same thing. I know Facebook is evil and steals our data, but it’s so nice to be able to sign in with FB, Twitter, Google etc. Anyway - thanks a lot for taking the time to respond, this looks like an awesome community of data/QS hackers. Thanks

So I’ve been working along the same track as you for a couple of months (to integrate it with my web app) and have collected a bunch of scripts (github links by other programmers mostly) for doing things like logging what processes are running on your computer (lets you know what you’re using. There used to be a program called Wakoopa that did this), list of people you send SMSes to, tags extracted from emails, etc. has an API, so that can let you track what music you listen to using that. IMDB lets you download what movies you watch as one huge CSV file that you can parse. You can use GoodReads to track what books you read.

Is this the kind of thing you’re looking for? Links to the actual scripts I mentioned are buried somewhere in my monstrous pile of bookmarks so let me know if it’s worth going treasuring hunting for and I will find it for you.