Looking for Beta Testers for Life Goal Tracking/Management App

Hi all, my team and I are working on the beta version of what we calling OnTrac, an automated life goal management app. If you would like to sign up to demo the app, you can here: https://www.ontrac.app. You can also view the wire frame here: https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/E8W415O6PSQ#/screens of the app as well. We should be done with the initial beta in the next 8-10 weeks. For those that are willing to give in-depth feedback through Zoom, we can give a very limited number of people access to the premium version of the app for free for life, but you would have to commit to providing in-depth feedback. Other than that, we’re happy to create a special discount for Quantified Self forum users once we launch. We have about 340 people signed up, but about half are Android users (we are launching iOS first), and I suspect we will lose some of those people before we launch so I would like to get more, especially ones that are willing to actively provide feedback, and I suspect Quantified Self folks will, LOL!

For a little more detail on the app itself: Our mission is to help people live happier, more balanced lives by simplifying the process of achieving their life goals (in particular health, financial, and time management goals) in one mobile app. Achieving or even just seeing progress toward achieving goals is linked to an increase in “subject well being” or happiness/life satisfaction/optimism. Depending on what research you believe, only about 8-19% of people actually achieve their goals. Some of the reasons are they don’t set SMART Goals (in particular specific, measurable, time-based goals), they don’t commit to a specific plan of action, and they don’t have a progress tracking mechanism. OnTrac looks to solve this in two ways. First by providing evidenced-based SMART Goal templates for each specific goal. These “SMARTracs” as we’re calling them guide you toward creating a SMART goal, break the goal up into smaller time-based milestones so you can achieve success faster, and then schedule out specific actionable tasks you can complete to help you achieve that goal. Second, we automate progress tracking through a series of integrations - wearables, financial data aggregation, calendar, etc. This list will grow once we show traction with the beta. One of the neat results of this is we will have a really neat set of dashboards that will provide you a good overview of some of your life’s most important areas. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I can be reached at xan@ontrac.app. Thanks for your time, and I look forward to connecting with you.