Looking for Wearable Technology Users for My Dissertation

Hi everyone;

I’m doing my dissertation at the University of Southampton and need some more viewpoints from wearable technology device users for my study, so if you have one of these smartwatches, smartglasses, smart wristband, smart bracelets, fitness trackers or smart T-shirts or shoes, could you spare some time to interview with me about your using experience. My dissertation is about the consumption of wearables as fashion. So I need some perceptions of wearable users all around the world from different countries and cultures toward their adoption on wearable tech gadgets. It’s gonna be a Skype interview to talk about your experience as a user. I’m aware that you may have limited time and other obligations as well. However, if you can give me some information about your experience with these wearable devices that would be much appreciated. If anyone interested, could you get in contact with me from here. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards