Looking for women to interview about their tracking habits


I’m Kristin Canning, a writer at SELF Magazine, and I’m working on a story about women who use health and fitness tracking devices in interesting ways. I’m reaching out because I’m hoping to find three women under 35 in the Quantified Self community who may be willing to talk to me about their tracking habits and how they have affected their lives. We’re hoping for interesting tracking stories, so more than just steps and workouts, things like sleep, ovulation, food, mood, stress, or maybe just using results in an interesting way, like sharing data directly with a physician to help them prescribe physical therapy or help them view progress on a diagnosis. Please email me at kristin_canning@condenast.com if you’re interested in being interviewed or know someone who might be. I am on a very tight deadline and would need to speak with you/them today or early Wednesday. I could also send you/them questions via email if that would be more convenient.

Thank you!