Measuring metabolic health

Hey guys, i’m trying to figure out my metabolic health but i can’t seem to get any insights on this from my current wearables (whoop, apple watch, oura). How does one go about measuring and keeping track of metabolic health?

Get a CGM from LevelsHealth and you can monitor your blood sugar directly there, if thats what you mean by your metabolic health.

Forgot to mention, i already have a CGM. But it only gives me glucose readings. I am looking for something that can measure all main metrics of metabolic health.

What do you mean by “main metrics of metabolic health”?

I asked ChatGPT, but it only suggested various blood panels and physical measurements.

ChatGPT response

The main metrics of metabolic health are typically centered around key indicators that reflect the status of your body’s metabolic functions, which are critical for processing energy and maintaining overall health. These metrics include:

  1. Blood Glucose Levels: Healthy fasting blood glucose levels are generally considered to be in the range of 70 to 99 mg/dL. Levels above this range may indicate impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes.

  2. Waist Circumference: A high waist circumference is associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome. For men, a waist circumference of more than 40 inches (102 cm) and for women more than 35 inches (88 cm) is considered elevated.

  3. Blood Pressure: Optimal blood pressure is usually defined as systolic blood pressure below 120 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure below 80 mmHg. Higher levels can indicate hypertension, which is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome.

  4. Blood Lipid Profile: This includes several components:

    • High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol: Often referred to as “good” cholesterol, with levels above 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women considered protective against heart disease.
    • Triglycerides: Ideally should be below 150 mg/dL. Elevated levels are a risk factor for metabolic syndrome.
    • Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol: Known as “bad” cholesterol, with levels below 100 mg/dL considered optimal.
  5. Body Mass Index (BMI): While not a direct measure of metabolic health, BMI is often used as an indicator of weight status. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered normal, whereas a BMI of 25 or above is considered overweight or obese, increasing the risk for metabolic disorders.

  6. Insulin Sensitivity: Although not always measured in routine assessments, insulin resistance is a core feature of metabolic syndrome. Tests such as the HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance) can provide insight into how well your body responds to insulin.

  7. Inflammatory Markers: Elevated levels of certain inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), can indicate inflammation in the body, which is associated with increased risk of metabolic diseases.

Monitoring these metrics can provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s metabolic health, offering crucial insights for preventing and managing metabolic syndrome and associated conditions like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

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Ok, so you are going to have to define what you mean specially then, when you say metabolic health. And what insights are you looking for? Or is this, just take all the data and give me the executive summary of it all?

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Considering the vagueness of ‘metabolic health’ I have to assume a few things you’re looking to track. You’ve already mentioned blood glucose levels and your use of a CGM. Does it integrate with Google Fit or Apple Health? If it does, sync data into those platforms.

From there, you’re working towards software that shows you all your data in one place while delivering insights based on your data. You want to be careful of bias. Some software is sponsored directly by a company that financially benefits from your data (like BetterHealth and their selling mental health data to advertisers).

You’re looking to track metabolic health, such as blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, body comp, etc. You want software that includes all of those. There are some out there. I typically recommend the Best Life app built by the nonprofit I work for ( You can track medication, nutrition, blood sugar, exercise, activity, mood, stress, and many other custom variables within Best Life. The app then sends you weekly, monthly, and quarterly trend analyses based on the data you put in the app. It syncs data from Apple, Google, and Fitbit which covers almost all providers with a proxy sync after you add your data to Apple or Google.

Why would you want to do this yourself? Apple and Google don’t give you anything in return for you putting your data in their platforms. You’re looking to derive insights and knowledge from your data. So you may just need to use them for the data syncing capabilities and then funnel that data into something more helpful.

If you’re looking for a specific “your metabolic health is X” from a trusted professional, you should 100% be going to a regular physician and having them sort this data out for you. If you’re looking to learn about it yourself, there are a lot of DIY guides in the QS forums already that outline how people have done this.

I think your biggest obstacle right now would be figuring out exactly what you’re hoping to learn, then figuring out what to track in order to learn it.

I hope the overview helps!

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