Menstrual and mood tracking apps for Garmin users

I’m (obviously) a woman using a Garmin Vivosmart Hr and the Garmin app that comes with it.

I’ve already connected a couple of third party apps to my Garmin app (My Fitness Pal, NIKE). I’ve searched far and wide and I CANNOT find any 3rd party apps where I track/log my menstrual cycle and other things I suspect are related (Migraines, acne, cramps etc.).

Considering 1/2 the population has a menstrual cycle I felt like there would be a good one somewhere out there??

There are quite a few apps for tracking menstrual cycles and associated symptoms. Some of them (like Kindara) even let you export data, but I’m not aware of any that have an API, or direct integration with Garmin.

Hi Stephanie,

I completely understand your frustration and you are completely right. Google Play has an app called My Cycles Period and Ovulation by MedHelp, Inc ratings average 4.3 out of 5. You can track your menstrual cycle through the app and it will provide you an option to add and sync your fitness tracker with Garmin.

Hope this helps

Avid Garmin Vivosmart HR User