New App: PredictBGL: diabetes blood sugar, insulin, carbs, fitness

Hi everyone,

PredictBGL is the result of my 2.5 year journey to predict blood sugars for my 7-year old daughter overnight. It started life as an insulin dose calculator but has now far exceeded this brief !

It includes an open API so that you can push your own data in, and extract data out ( It includes visualisation for blood sugars, and this is impacted by carbs/fat/protein, food GI factors, live exercise data (from external service FitnessSyncer), and a stack of user-specific settings. It can also model natural insulin production, which is perfect for normal humans as well as those with reactive hypoglycaemia.

It syncs data to unlimited devices. It can import data from 60+ BG meters, pumps, CGMS. Android app out soon.

iOS app here:

The reporting function of the app is all driven from the website. You will be pleased to know that exporting data is very easy! -using the Custom Reports facility.

We’re happy for feedback and comments! The app is targeted at people with diabetes, so if anyone needs help setting it up for themselves please feel free to drop me a line and we’ll put a ‘cheat sheet’ together.


I was wondering if the Android version is out by now?