OPI TrueSense for Sleep Tracking

The OPI TrueSense is an open source sensor platform. It uses a base station, memory module and 1-4 (per base station) wireless sensor modules. The sensor modules are very flexible. They can be used to record EEG, EKG/ECG, EMG, EOG, GSR(?) while recording EMF (no documentation) and 3-axis accelerometer.

This thread is to share your experience or questions about using the TrueSense kit for monitoring any aspect of sleep.

Here is an interesting article on using the TrueSense to monitor sleep. http://www.bioshare.info/en/sleep

Looks like BrainBay can process EDF files that TS outputs. Might be interesting!

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Some EDF/EDF+ Readers:


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Here is a video of last nights sleep as recorded by the TrueSense sensor and displayed with the OPI Console’s Posture Viewer / Sleep analysis.(http://youtu.be/FZSCMVEE2Dg)

I do believe that EDF Browser is a very awesome tool! This is a screenshot of a portion of the data exported from my 2014-01-06 night of sleep in EDF Browser.



Have you made any Open source SW that will alarm on different changes?


Not yet. I have been focused on recording rather than real-time analysis.

Is there software that can automatically score the raw EEG data? I’m especially interested in detecting eeg arousals and correlating them to other signals, like nasal airflow and skin temperature. That could be useful in determining what is causing sleep disturbances. Otherwise, what would be the point of collecting all of that data if it can’t be efficiently analyzed?

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Hey guys,

Youre graphs are pretty awesome! :slight_smile:

I just have some questions about the Truesense Biosensor. I would be absolutely delighted if you answer them.

  1. What do I need to get this thing working? The Truesense Kit is pretty cheap, espescially for an EEG tracker, I assume that I need to buy additional components or sensors?

In fact, I am a little bit confused about their different products and components and I think a small explanation regarding the Truesense initial setup would be nice. I already browsed their website, but it did not helped.

  1. How accurate is Truesense?
    I used (and still use ^^ ) the ZEO Sleep Manager Mobile for sleep tracking. Is this thing as accurate or even more accurate than ZEO?

I am deeply grateful for any help :slight_smile:

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The website is confusing. It’s not just you. :slight_smile:

  1. The TrueSense Exploration Kit and a computer are all you need to get it working. The software is free (and open source even). The Exploration kit comes with one sensor module, one memory module and one controller module and some “accessories” to hold it on your body. You can add up to three additional sensor/memory modules per controller.

  2. There was a study conducted here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2869.2011.00944.x/abstract with the notable quote “Our results demonstrate that the [Zeo] accuracy is similar to but not quite as good as the two human scorers from different sleep centers compared to each other”

I don’t know how accurate the TrueSense is vs the Zeo. It has only two EEG electrodes, vs the Zeo’s three, but I don’t know what the extra on the Zeo is doing. In more certain terms, the TrueSense offers MANY more time-synced data channels including Temperature and 3axis accelerometer.

By far the largest difference between the Zeo and the TrueSense is fit and finish. It’s obvious by looking at pictures of the hardware, it doesn’t have a nice consumer-friendly industrial design. The software is also confusing. The workflows of getting to the data are clunky. In short, it’ll be a lot more work to make use of the data. On the flip side, all of the raw, delicious data is there along with helpful algorithms for things like sleep, heart rate, movement, meditation, etc.

Expect to roll up your sleeves with this package. Given the ridiculously low price point and unprecedented features and flexibility of the system it’s a tremendous value if you have the time and patience to make use of it.

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Thank you so much for your detailed answer, Bill :slight_smile:

I am happy that I won’t need any additional equipment to get started. I would use mainly the EEG- functionality, so 1 Sensor should be fine for the beginning.

Thank you Bill :slight_smile:

Hi Bill, I’m thrilled you are doing a bit of TrueSense support here in the Forum. Ever since meeting the creator of the TrueSense device, I’ve been hoping to see its use spread a bit. Here’s an interesting interview with Fu-Chiek Hsu from the QS Europe conference.

I’m going to email him and see if he wants to pipe up here.

Thanks Gary! That interview is what motivated me to buy a TrueSense package.