Personal Dashboards for Self-Tracking Data

Hey everyone,

I’m currently working on app to tackle this exact issue. I haven’t been satisfied with or Gyroscope for similar reasons that were stated. The lack of customization and data sources have left me wanting more. The goal with the app is to give a lot of flexibility to create custom dashboards and to focus on power users at the early stage.

Depending on how solid the APIs are, we’d like to integrate with a bunch of health apps, productivity apps, social media, custom spreadsheets, custom databases, weather, Github (and related), note taking apps, and whatever else our users want. For dashboard widgets, we have plans to create a lot of standard chart types (line charts, bar charts, etc.), maps, markdown widgets, maps, etc… There are also spots in the architecture where we’d like to allow the users to write custom code and custom queries to really let power users get the data shaped the way they want.

We are trying to learn from other apps so that we can scale up the number of data sources and to allow for a lot of flexibility. This app is specifically being made with the Quantified Self folks in mind towards so if anyone wants to discuss, feel free to email me at We would LOVE to interview potential users and it would help us out a ton to see what you guys would want in a product.

Also, we aren’t certain about the timeline yet but the hope is to have an invite only version of the app ready in a few months for iOS, Android, and Web. If there is an interest, I can send a link when it’s ready.

For those who want to build it, here is a comprehensive article from Tarek Ibrahim - product leader of

Personally I think in order to dramatically increase the pace of technologies development at first we need to build something like humanapi but free for both sides: users (data sources) and data consumers like analytic/insight services, dashboards, and other health focused enterprises.

The main question is who is going to pay for the development and maintain expenses? We can make it open source and try crowdfunding, or find a way around to make money on additional service. I don’t know, it’s just my thoughts. What do you think guys?

As an internet product maker I wish I could be focusing on outcomes rather than developing integrations and spending my small resources on maintenance such a huge infrastructure just for using the data. Doesn’t it discourage you? Perhaps we should combine our effort to help each other.

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Hi @sukazavr —I agree that the workflows for bringing data into our own data store for analysis are underdeveloped; but, on the other hand, having seen many, many efforts in this area over the last decade I can say that I’ve learned (at least) that it’s harder than it looks. Take a look at Open Humans for an example of an open approach to building some of these workflows, using a centralized, community governed data store.


Good article. However, Human API doesn’t publicly list their price, which is annoying. See below.

It’s $700 a month plus a per user cost.


Hey! Thank you for publishing their price. It’s surprisingly expensive. Giving the link to this article I didn’t promote their service, but wanted future implementers to be aware of the complexity of the process.

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BTW I couldn’t find price on your :roll_eyes:

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Good point :slight_smile: It’s 99% free right now. We’re still in early startup mode so still building things out / figuring out our features and our pricing.

I wasn’t crticizing about the article, it was a good thought piece for people considering developing their own tools. Just pointing out their price might prohibit smaller projects.

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Almost everything app I use outputs csv or has a database I can straight copy. Really that just means parsing instead of API calls. This is the work programmers can do. Everything afterwards requires skills in statistics or data science. For example Pearl and causal analysis.

Some work in progress of integrating my data with Grafana (powered by HPI package)

Internet browsing activity (from promnesia )

Bluemaestro environment sensor (I’m carrying it with me)


More is coming… I’ll integrate a couple more manually, and then will figure out automatic interface (so any data source which has timestamps will automatically have Grafana plots).


Hey all,

Like all of us, I’m a huge fan of quantified self apps and self tracking. I am particularly big fan of Whoop for tracking my personal fitness, sleep, and recovery. It actually inspired me to build a similar product but for my work, called Rize. Rize is a productivity tracker that shows you how you spend your time at work, improves your focus, and prevents burnout. I’ve attached a screenshot of the dashboard below.

You can check it out at and if you use the referral code D7708A you get your first month free.

I posted here in this forum back in August when I first started working on Rize and got some great feedback so I thought I’d follow up since I just launched Rize publicly. Right now it’s just a macOS app but Windows and Linux are in the works.

I’d love to hear what you all think and hope you signup! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.



Maybe we could discuss what we think existing solutions for making personal dashboards are lacking? (, Gyroscope, Heads up health, Google Data Studio, Grafana, Tableau, etc.)

This is what I think is lacking:

  • Enough integrations with trackers we use (but this problem is hard to solve because people use so many different trackers and not all have API’s)
  • .CSV import
  • Flexibility of data analysis
  • Custom made experiments
  • Good custom tracking with numbers.

I haven’t seen a solution that satisfies ALL of the above, but only some.

What do you guys think? What’s wrong with existing alternatives?

They really don’t do any analysis.

Here’s what we were building lately ->
It’s called Lili and it’s a health data insight assistant. We are currently available only for Fitbit users, but will soon open up to Apple Health as well.

Would love to hear your feedback.

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I pretty much 100% agree with your assessment. I personally would also add:

  1. Automatic backup of data.
  2. API for simple daily import of data (e.g. from manual or unsupported trackers). To me CSV import is inferior solution, especially for dashboard, where the point is to have the data visualized persistently.
  3. I would expand the ‘flexible data analysis’ to following specific analysis that I feel are essential (but I haven’t seen anywhere):
    a. cross-correlation across time to uncover temporally delayed relationships between tracked variables
    b. automatic application of the above to all pairs of variables with report of the strongest relationships found
    c. proper reporting of statistical significance of any correlations found
    d. multi-variate regression

It is worth pointing out that bonus of 2 is that if such feature existed, at least the technically more adept users could integrate many trackers through services like Zapier or Integromat even if they are not supported directly in the dashboard.

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I recently started a project driven by some of the requirements/needs identified in this topic. The approach is a bit different though, using the same ideas as ‘text based accounting’. I’ve also built several integrations. The work is in progress and feedback is welcome.

Hi everyone!
I’m new to this community which I found researching for this topic.
All the comments here are great insights about what I believe is one of the main reasons to tracking data, the process of the data to transform in actionable information.
I’m also developing a webapp in Python and Django to connect to Todoist and present to you a dashboard, project statistics and has a customizable weekly review space.
I’m not aiming here to create a full all-sources dashboard, I’m mostly designing as a micro-saas.
I’m looking for early users ( Please feel free to add any coment if this reasonates with you and subscribe for news. I hope soon will be launching a beta version.

95% confidence interval for correlation may be better than p-value.
also there is multiple comparison issues when people just using same data set at different times… its hard to account for that on software end

Usually, detection of small to medium effect sizes from a small sample and verifying statistical significance requires a statistician skills.

Most QS experimenters doesn’t bother with checking how much observations is needed to reach a statistical power, which normally should be done before starting experiment. Absence of self blinding, confirmation bias, observer bias and other biases adds more problems. Most of these things should be accounted before collecting any data.

So, before building a dashboard, a few not easy to-do steps might be done by experimenter and web dashboard cant account for problems described above.

Even having high quality data and good sample size visualized on dashboard - is far from making data driven decisions. Checking for data distribution, selecting appropriate model (or trying few) to describe connections also not an easy to do without knowledge.

I cant recommend people to read a book about mathematical statistics and start using RStudio for data analysis of CSV files (which i prefer), but without some statistical analysis, just looking at web dashboard might lead to weak conclusions and misinterpretation and should be taken into account.

I hope in future decades we will get a statistical software which knows how to correctly analyze any inputs and interpret the results in casual form, making statisticians lose their jobs :sweat_smile:

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How? I am having trouble finding books on this.

Apparently multivariate means many outcomes? Explain the difference between multiple regression and multivariate regression, with minimal use of symbols/math - Cross Validated or is this a prank?

Machine learning like Random Forest bc less variance in dependent var more clear the signal between it and any remaining independent variables. Permutation based FDR.

Regarding cross-correlation: cross-correlation works by repeatedly calculating Pearson correlation with increasingly shifted (in time) pairs of signals. This way one gets a temporal sequence of correlation values, where value at i-th position corresponds to the correlation between the two signals shifted by i steps. A temporally delayed effects between the two signals should manifest as a peak in the cross-correlation away from the 0 delay. Of course, as with normal correlation, existence of such peak doesn’t prove causation. Cross-correlation - Wikipedia

Regarding multivariate regression - my bad, I meant multiple linear regression.

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