QS startups interested in data visualization intern?

I was wondering if there are any QS-related startups who are interested in having an internship or full time position for data visualization. That’s my area of specialty, and from a quick search on some websites, there do not seem to be many data vis positions, so I am curious if it’s a need, or if startups just hire a designer to do everything. If you have such a position available, please post to this thread or contact me!

Hi Chloe,

I’m working on a project called www.LifeDesignerz.com. Currently, we’re filling up the site with content to get it ranked in the engines and building our audience in both social media and email.

Over the next few months, we’re building out the “Visualifer” that will be core to the site functionality. Imagine a platform designed around a central user avatar over which people can display various layers generated from different apps that measure and display the various types of personal information that QS tracks. There’s more to it, but that’s a good concept.

We’re not quite ready for an intern yet, but I’m very curious to hear more about your capabilities. Feel free to get in touch with your contact info so that we can see how we may be able to work together.

Hi mackenze,

Thanks for getting in touch! I posted about the intern thing a while ago, and am no longer looking for employment, but it’s always interesting to talk to companies about their personal data visualization needs. Would love to chat more if you’d like to bounce ideas around.
