Quantified Baby

Hi all,

I had a baby recently and thought it would be great to have a few more insights at her (fast) development!
What tools, data, devices, anything would you recommend to collect data and create insights on baby’s health?

There is the normal ‘write down feed times, poo, pee, sleep’.
I’d love to have more information about the milk she’s drinking, her temperature and new sounds :slight_smile:


Hi Diogo
You could try the Withings Baby Scale.
It converts into a kids scale when the baby gets older. You can track nutrition by manually entering into the Withings App.

thanks! looks great

There’s a good selection of devices and apps on the QS guide.

Thanks! I am new to this and didn’t notice that section… :slight_smile:

Hey all,

Here’s an interesting quantified baby app as well, Data Parenting, to track and statistically compare your baby’s milestone data: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dataparenting-baby-milestones/id905124835?mt=8

(I’m one of the creators of the app! We’re now looking for beta testers – if anyone is interested… please let me know!)


I found a great blog post detailing one parent’s tracking experience here.


@Ernesto Great resources there! :slight_smile: thanks

@Morgan Looks great the app (love that first pic! haha) Unfortunately I just switched to Android… Are you planning an android version?

My wife and I have been using baby-connect to track our newborn’s growth, feedings, medications, changes and medical appointments. He was born with a rare birth defect called Esophageal Atresia, and while it appears to have been corrected in surgery, we do need to be very vigilant about tracking anything that might be unusual. Tracking has already been a godsend as working from memory led us to provide inaccurate information about his birthweight which led to unnecessary concern that he wasnt gaining enough weight. At our last appointment we were able to show detailed charts about everything from diaper changes, to feeding regularity and it helped the medical team enormously.
Considering the medical value of such information, I have been searching for a way to combine his tracking data with his official Electronic Health Records (EHRs) that we’re able to access through various patient portals. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be any open source platform for creating a “Personal Health Record” (PHR) so we’ve had to go with Microsoft HealthVault. My own prejudices aside, HV seems pretty useful and importing medical records from different providers was very easy. Unfortunately, the same can not be said for importing the tracking data from baby-connect… HV does provide an SDK for app developers, but so far supported apps are either oriented towards specific adult health concerns like heart disease or commercial devices like the Fitbit. The only available option for baby-connect or any other Android app appears to be through .csv export, but I have no idea how to format this data for HV.

Can anybody help me with any one of the following-

[]Find an open source alternative to Microsoft HealthVault
]Find a full featured Baby Tracker app for Android with support for HealthVault
[*]Find a way to format csv data for importing to HealthVault

                                                                                                                  Help Would Be ENORMOUSLY APPRECIATED!
                                                                                                                         Andrew Jawitz

            P.S- I have already searched the QS guide and nothing shows up that I havent already tried.