Quantified Self and Positive Psychology - Academic Research- Need Particpants.10 min

Hi Guys,

I was just reaching out to you to see if you might be interested in helping out with a QS research project.

I am currently a graduate student at Claremont Graduate University pursuing my PhD in Positive Organizational Psychology and I am also conducting research investigating the Quantified Self movement and its implications in regards to well-being and optimal functioning. I was curious, if you have 10 minutes, I would deeply appreciate it if you participated in my online survey. The research you will be participating in will set the foundation for possible future studies of QS and its mechanisms and significantly contribute to the advancement of the field of positive psychology, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of how Quantified Self impacts an individual. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Thank you for your time and consideration, and special thanks if you take time to participate. I am very excited about this project, and my faculty advisers, Dr. Nakamura, and Dr. Csikszentmihalyi (the flow guy) are also very intrigued by QS.

Here is the link if interested in helping out. If not, no worries and have a good weekend!


Also, if you may desire to help out with this research cause even moreso, if you want to forward this email and link to any other QS friends, that would be much appreciated!


Jeff Fajans