Reaching Out to QS users, developers and those interested in research

I’m a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. I’ve recently started new research aimed at using HealthKit/ResearchKit to collect data for time-restricted feeding as an approach for metabolic syndrome.

I’m curious to learn more about QS members who are tracking for metabolic health. This doesn’t have to mean diabetes, but anyone who is concerned about the connections between blood sugar, weight, and exercise. If you are interested in helping us with app testing or development, please free free to contact me.

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I’m tracking for metabolic health, using Kenkodo (a drop of blood every week or month), and Arivale (full blood draw every few months). My main interest is seeing how the values change when nothing changes, and what the effect of certain lifestyle changes is (e.g. regular vs irregular schedule). Don’t have much data yet…

Hi Eric,

Thanks for reaching back!

I’m curious what you are using to integrate your data across these two testing approaches. It looks like both are in beta versions. Can you comment about the cost to this point and the way that you’ve found the data to be returned to you? In a similar way are you using the coaching feature of Arivale? Have you tried to correlate any return from their data with other measures that you do?

Hello Dr. Woolf and Welcome to the QS forum.

I ran a short experiment on the influence of 3-day fasting on 30+ biomarkers, including blood sugar, which underwent a drop from 92 to 70mg/dL.

Like I said, I don’t have enough data yet (only one set of results from Arivale, and none yet from Kenkodo). I keep all my data in (a service I run); not sure yet how to get data from these services: worst case, I’ll have to enter the data manually…