REMOTE Participants invited to beta-test mood tracking application

Interested in learning more about your daily emotions & behaviors? Want to try a novel self-tracking technology?

University of California Researchers are looking for participants to try a new web application that is designed to provide analytics about a person’s emotions and how those relate to their behavior. In this study, you will use a phone and web application to track your mood twice a day for 21 days.

Receive compensation for time spent (up to a $35 Amazon gift card), and the opportunity to learn more about your emotions.

To participate you must satisfying the following:
· 18 years of age or older
· Based in the United States
· Have a laptop or smartphone
· Do not have a history of serious depression, mental illness, or life-threatening disease.

To join the study, complete the sign-up form here:

To address any questions you have, contact Victoria Hollis (lead researcher) at the email associated with this post.