Seniors practising QS for creative documentary film

My name is Marlies Pöschl, I am an artist and filmmaker and I am looking for people 65+ who are practicing self-tracking in order to gain self-knowledge for my creative documentary film “Web of Care”. I can travel - so am flexible locationwise.

Is anyone here part of this age group and would be interested to collaborate?
Or do you happen to know any networks/connections/people whom i could approach?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

kind regards

Marlies Pöschl: Web of Care
Creative documentary, 4K, 90 min, colour, stereo

Web of care
Creative documentary, 4K, 90 min, colour, stereo

Sensory floors are always alert in case we fall. Cute avatar dogs look after us 24 hours a day. Care robots encourage us to do morning exercises and even tell jokes. These caring machines increasingly become new companions to senior citizens, as they give a new dimension to care, inventing practical solutions to existing problems. They enable new forms of interaction, communication and intimacy, and thus form a new “Web of Care” between users, devices, caregivers and relatives. Based on three concrete technological innovations in the field of care and realized in close collaboration with three protagonists, this film aims to explore the social dimension of new technologies.

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