Survey on goal commitment for Fitbit users

Hi all,

I’m Przemysław Kucharski from Łódź Univeristy of Technology, Poland, and together with my friend Paweł W. Woźniak from Utrecht University, Netherlands, we’re doing a study in the field of goal commitment to better understand phenomena behind different goal settings.
This particular survey is aimed at Fitbit users tracking their daily step count. Our survey web-page asks users to grant us permissions to look up their step goal setting and their step count history, so that we can base the survey on user’s real data!
It’s important to notice, that we’re NOT requesting ‘Profile info’ permissions from Fitbit accounts which makes it impossible to us to anyhow link users’ step data and survey responses with any personal data.
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
If you’re not using Fitbit, but know people, who do, please share this survey with them.
Thank you in advance for your participation and sharing!

Survey link

Przemysław Kucharski, Łódź Univeristy of Technology, Poland
Paweł W. Woźniak, Utrecht Univeristy, Netherlands