Survey on Self-tracking for weight-related purposes

Hi There ,

I am a doctoral student at USC and I’d like to invite you to participate in my research study on self-tracking for health. No matter you are a self-tracker or not, I need to learn about your experience and thoughts! Would you please kindly do me a favor to fill out a survey below. Your participation will greatly contribute to our understanding of self-tracking and self-experiment for health, particularly in the weight management area.

This interesting survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. If you are willing to join, please click on the link below, and the survey will start immediately. Your personal identity will NOT be collected and your participation will be anonymous. No worries about any privacy issue if you’re concerned about.

I greatly appreciate your help and contribution to the research project! :rolleyes:


I completed an survey for you :slight_smile: cheers mate