Trying to record sleep, using android for sleep. Open to other options

Been using sleep as android. But due to the fact that it uses gyro and needs to be at me at all times.
For now I can only use record, and the gyro to check my sleep. But would like to know about an option to check for heart rate and oxygen. Does anyone have any recommendations?

From what I read, which was the reason I didn’t use smart watches is due to it’s inaccuracies.

The other option is using a chest strap used for running. Apparently it works with Polar.

adding link to sleep to android page on supported wearables:

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There is a YouTube channel dedicated to testing sleep tracking hardware. Perhaps, it could be useful to you.


You mean smart watches are bad at sleep stages? In my experience smart watches detected start of sleep and end of sleep quite well.

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I see. I thought of buying it multiple times. Only one I had was the mii band which would give extreme results after being drenched in sweat. I couldn’t take it to my shower as a result.
Do you have any recommendations to try instead? Specifically budget friendly if it can maintain accuracy.

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I see he highly recommends to use the oura ring. From what I recall they also sell membership.
Which scares me as it’s pricey as it is and I don’t want to pay extra on monthly membership.
Is the membership required? and can I use older models, ideally it’s open source so I can configure as needed to increase lifespan.

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Others here have complained about the Oura ring sleep tracking accuracy, but I honestly don’t know as I use an Apple Watch Ultra instead (which seems to be accurate for sleep, HR, and oximetry). Since you are an Android user, perhaps the upcoming Galaxy Ring could be your best bet.

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