Looks interesting: Heart Rate Variability: Antiquated or Indispensable?
Mon, August 16, 2021
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM PDT
Via Zoom (registration required)
From the event description:
This in-depth discussion will explore:
1- The various HRV measures and their utilization in clinical studies
2- The technological and methodological limitations of HRV
3- The foundational context from which citizen-scientists can begin exploring HRV
Taught by Dr. Andrew Ahn. From Ahn’s bio:
I am a faculty member of both the MGH Martinos Center and the BIDMC Division of General Medicine and Primary Care, as a hospitalist. One-half of my time is dedicated to clinical work while the remaining 50% is spent in clinical research. I also serve as Associate Director of the Laboratory for Dynamical Biomarkers at BIDMC. My research interest is in mathematical, computational analyses of physiological data and in systems approaches to medicine.