Volunteers for QS evangelism / outreach at University of California, San Francisco?

I’m a newcomer to the QS community, though I’ve been doing personal self-tracking projects for the past year. I also work for the student and employee wellness program at the University of California, San Francisco. I’m writing to find out if there are any bay area quantified selfers who are potentially interested in doing QS evangelism / education / community outreach at our 2014 wellness expo!

This annual event is attended by several thousand UCSF students, faculty, and staff. One of our big topics this year will be self-tracking apps and devices. We’d like to set up a space where visitors can talk one-on-one with a “guide” who can help them learn about tools and techniques that would be helpful for their personal goals (e.g., tracking nutrition, sleeping better, motivation for exercise). If you live in the Bay Area and would be interested in working with us, please let me know! You don’t need to be an expert – if you’re familiar with the major tools in just a few QS areas, we would love your help.

The wellness expo is scheduled for January 22, 10 AM to 2 PM. Please respond here or send me a private message if you’d like to know more.