Welcome to the Research & Media forum

Hello everyone,

We’d like to have this part of the QS forum be the place where you can find out about and discuss great articles related to QS. By “great” I mean simply that you find it particularly interesting and thought provoking. And “articles” is meant to encompass a wide variety of media including articles, blog posts, books, videos, and presentations.

My name is Rajiv, and I’ll be one of the moderators for this topic area. My own area of interest is products and services that support people in carrying out their personal health practices and discovering for themselves what’s best for their own lives. I provide innovation strategy and product development consulting services through Bhageera Inc, and am also the co-developer of the Tonic self-care assistant app.

Please tell us about yourself, and particularly interesting articles you have found.

Hi all! I’m a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon’s HCI program, and I’m interested in doing research on self-tracking. There are so many interesting questions that it’s been difficult narrowing down my research, but right now I’m thinking about issues such as anomalies/intermittent data tracking, sharing data with doctors, seniors & self-tracking, habits & routines, and using visualizations to increase understanding and engagement with one’s data.

My colleague and good friend Ian Li has published a few papers on Personal Informatics, is doing his dissertation on self-tracking, and has organized several personal informatics workshops at CHI, the largest Human-Computer Interaction conference. The above links will take you to some of Ian’s papers, as well as papers submitted to the workshops that he’s organized.

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Hello all. Did you know the QS guide has a resident anthropologist? That’s me! I’m an cultural anthropologist and future forecaster at the Institute for the Future, and I’m here to help Gary Alex, and the whole crew understand how the QS Guide is working and how it could be improved. Over the next few months I’ll be observing, asking questions, requesting interviews, and documenting how this part (the guide and forum) of the already thriving Quantified Self community is emerging.

The Institute for the Future and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneer Fund are sponsoring my work here in order to better understand why people make “observations of daily living” (a broader catch all for self-tracking), how any why they use (or don’t use) the Quantified Self Guide as a resource, and how the QS Guide can improve as a resource for experienced and novice self-trackers alike. On of my interests here is understanding the benefits of observing, quantifying and tracking–and how more and more people could experience these benefits. Please feel free to ask me any questions about this work here or by email - you can reach me at qs (at) iftf (dot) org.