Winning Habits

Hey QSers,

Happy new year to all and good luck with your new resolutions. After a great session about productivity led by Ioan Mitrea in the QS conference in Amsterdam. I felt encouraged to share my Winning Habits WH. WH help design your day such that it maximizes the possibility of flow occurring at work.

There are 2 documents attached below including a year worth of Rescuetime productivity measurements. You can clearly see a difference once I started to employ this strategy in September.

Have a short look at the excel sheet first and then go through the PDF. I am very interested in your winning habits, so please share.

Enjoy the read,

PS: Updated the excel sheet (includes 3 tabs) with a more thorough explanation after some feedback.

Winning Habits Final.xlsx (18.9 KB)
Winning Habits Final.pdf (484.0 KB)

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Very handy suggestions, thanks!

Thanks for the positive feedback, really appreciate it! We are working on an interesting project that will take the winning habits to the next level. As soon as we have some good (or bad) results, we’ll share!


Why is it in PDF rather than a web page?