I made a community-powered biotracking tools list

Hey everyone!

There is a No Code Maker Festival going on at Product Hunt right now, so I decided to make a crowd-sourced filterable list of biotracking / self-tracking tools with AirTable. You can check it out here:

If you want to add some tools / apps you can use the “Submit” link at the top of the page.

Let me know what you think. Open to suggestions. Thanks :slight_smile:


Hey this is super cool. I’m currently working on a similar project but with biohacks themselves (like nootropics and meditation), instead of the tracking devices. It’d be really interesting to get a collaboratively built collection of all the best biohacks out there, where everyone can add their own experiences with it. Almost like trip-advisor of biohacking :joy:

Does anyone know of anything like a database of biohacks that already exists?

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I don’t know of one yet, but I would gladly contribute

Someone should definitely make that. There’s a lot of N of 1s out there that could be compiled together.

Hey I’d love to work with you on coming up with more. I have a google spreasheet currently as I compile as much as I can. Still thinking about how best to make it collaborative in the most beneficial way possible. Very open to suggestions, I like what you having going with Airtable @realNathanCheng!

I PMed you a sharing link @quantifiedketonian - would love to talk more about the best biohacks people are actually using. I’m mostly on Intermittent fasting (occasional 36-hour fast), meditation, magnesium and blue light blocking glasses before bed. What are you all trying?

Thanks @kastan ! I can open up the link for the AirTable base if anyone wants to copy the data.

You can vote for QuantifyMe on ProductHunt’s No Code Maker Festival right now, if anyone is interested: https://www.producthunt.com/makers-festival-2019/voting#health-&-wellness


How about an air quality category? Which of these export to csv and which must be hacked?

Hey @realNathanCheng, nice tool! Can you add an option if listed wearable has an open SDK and easy data export?

@rain8dome9 will definitely start adding some air quality trackers. Data export tag will also be added. Thanks for the suggestions!

@Guzik: SDK and data export will be added. I will also add that to the submission form.

Put it on https://github.com/woop/awesome-quantified-self .

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Would you allow export as an ontology like OWL?

how do I cite you?

Could someone please twit at https://twitter.com/realnathancheng to tell him to visit this thread? I do not have a phone number so twitter suspended my account. I need him to comment on Mapping QS Data Flows and APIs and if I could use data from biohackstack.


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