Recruiting participants for remote study about health tracking!

Hello, I am still recruiting participants for an interview study about designing technology for health tracking and examining how people reflect on/make sense of their health tracking data!

UPDATE: We have updated our study and it is now a 90 min-long, remote interview session. The compensation has also been increased to $40 (in giftcard form).

If interested in participating, please fill out this form:

If you are eligible for the study, I will contact you to schedule a session.
Thank you!

More details below:

I am a doctoral student at the University of Washington, and I work on designing technology for health tracking and examining how people reflect on/make sense of their health tracking data. I am currently working on a project to understand how Generative AI technology (e.g., ChatGPT, Microsoft Co-Pilot) can be leveraged to enhance personalized care & recommendations. This includes supporting people in getting actionable insights from their health tracking data & understanding their perceptions of the recommendations/responses received.

We are looking for those who:
a) are 18 years of age or older, and
b) track data to better understand and answer questions about their health
to participate in a 90 min-long interview + study session.

Sessions can be conducted in-person or on Zoom.
You will be compensated with a $40 giftcard for participating in the session. Your information will be kept confidential & will not be shared with anyone outside the research team.

To participate, please fill out the screening survey:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or respond to this post!

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That’s quite a long interview. Do you have samples of the questions you’d be asking? What happens to the interview recording and data collected after you’re done conducting your research? Does the University own the rights to it or is it deleted?

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Maybe add some details about who is conducting the study (incl which lab)?

Also, is this the same study you were trying to recruit people for over two years ago?


Strange, yes? I closed the other topic, which was weirdly restarted. University of Washington has some researchers, James Fogarty and Sean Munson, who were at the QSPH meetings, maybe this is connected to them somehow? More details would be good!

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Well, I took the bait and scheduled an interview… Looks like the mystery person is Shaan Chopra, who is indeed connected to James Fogarty and Sean Munson.

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Hi all, apologies I did not receive notifications for these responses until I was tagged about an hour ago!
To answer your questions:

  • Yes, I am a PhD student at the University of Washington and I work with both James Fogarty and Sean Munson. They are a part of this research and recommended reaching out to people on this forum for participation.
  • I had posted about this study 2 months ago as well. However, after an initial round of interview+study sessions, we decided to pause on recruitment and change the study protocol to better focus on personalizations of data-based health insights while aligning with shortcomings of current generative AI models. Hence, I reposted the recruitment survey here again, marking changes to the length of the study, compensation, and technologies used.

Below are some details about the study:

  • What we are trying to do?: We are trying to understand how Generative AI tools can support people in drawing more personalized, actionable, and useful insights from their health tracking data. We are specifically interested in what this means for supporting reflection and sense-making of self-tracked health data.
  • The session will last about 90 minutes and will be broken down into 4 parts.
    (1) First, I will ask a series of general questions related to your health tracking practices and data.
    (2) Second, you will interact with an AI-based technology, namely Microsoft Co-Pilot, to ask specific questions you have from your health tracking data and to reflect on the responses you receive.
    (3) Third, I will also show you a case example created using a real person’s health tracking data to demonstrate different capabilities of these technologies and get your thoughts on that. (Because different people I talk with try different things with their data in this session, my goal would be to make sure everybody has seen some of the capabilities that we want to be sure to talk about.)
    (4) At the end, I will ask questions about your experience with the overall study and of interacting with these different technologies for drawing insights from your health tracking data
  • Instead of using commercial softwares like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, we are using a UW-licensed version of Microsoft Co-Pilot. While Co-Pilot has the same underlying software (GPT4) as ChatGPT, this version of Co-Pilot has commercial data protection, which means it will not store any questions you ask or data you decide to enter or upload here and Microsoft will not use that data to improve its models. This makes it safer to upload and share sensitive information, including health data.
  • The interview recording will be transcribed for analysis. We may analyze collected data now and in the future related to the questions of this research, and your data will remain confidential with access limited to the research team.
  • Your consent for audio and video recording will be taken prior to the session and also captured verbally once the recording is started.

Please let me know if there are any further clarifications or details I can provide.
Hope some of you consider participating and providing your insights!


I signed up. This is a very experienced research group at UW and they’ve been interested in these kinds of questions for a long time, definitely worth helping if anybody can spare 90 min for them.