How to measure rationality - irrationality of behavior?

Ethologist Protopopov.A. he writes that the tendency to a certain type of behavior is caused by biologically genetically and is a constant for each person.
A person can have good rational thinking, but will behave irrationally.
This does not depend on the development of intelligence and the volume of knowledge.

"About primitiveness
The mind never leads the heart, but often becomes an accomplice in crimes.

Mignon Makflorin, American writer


  1. Primitiveness. Concept.
  2. Measurement of Primitiveness
  3. World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior.
    Thinking automatically
    Thinking socially
    Thinking with mental models

4.Questions about self-tracking
5. Courses Human Behavioral Biology

1. Primitiveness. Concept.

Primitiveness (through “A” - from lat. Primatus - initial) - the concept proposed by the author, and characterizing the degree of influence of instinctive motivations on practical behavior.

If someone is almost not affected by his instincts, he lives only with reason - the primitiveness of such a person is low. With all the fact that a decrease in primitiveness is clearly the General line of the evolution of Homo sapiens, such people are not always favorably perceived by others. They, sometimes, are found boring, fresh and incomprehensible with all, despite the fact that they may not be alien to emotions as such. And vice versa - a highly primitive person who is very “leading” to the voice of his instincts can be perceived as a bright, interesting and capturing personality, although practically contact with him can cause a lot of trouble, problems and even tragedies; And his brightness as a person with a closer examination may be illusory. And this is natural - after all, the instinctively “correct” behavior of one person will be very likely to cause certain instinctive responses to others, brightly painted emotionally. It is not without reason that there are so many artists among highly primitive people. ”

In short:

Primaticity is an indicator of the force of congenital behavioral programs in relation to rational-motivated behavior.

The higher the level of primitiveness, the more a person is a slave to their feelings, impulses and moods.

Primaticity has only an indirect attitude to intelligence and culture as such, as well as to temperament in the coordinates of the chlerik - phlegmatic. "

Primaticity is the degree of dominance of instinctive models of behavior in relation to rational.

The term was first proposed by Anatoly Protopopov in the book “A Treatise of Love, as a terrible bore understands it.”


Primitiveness and features of human behavior


2. Measurement of Primitiveness


Lutsenko O.L., Absaliamova K.Z.The Construct “primativeness” and the test design for it measuring.

This article is devoted to theoretical grounds of the primativeness construct, which ethologist A.I. Protopopov has offered for describing instinctive motivations influence on the behavior. It is given all psychometric procedures and test design phases. The research was carried out on the 439 young person sample. The derivedtestconsists of 33 items with 4-points evaluative scale.

Factorization enables to form 6 subscales: failure of self-control of aggression, machiavellianism, laziness, impulsiveness, superstitiousness, unwillingness to develop. The new test has high reliability and discrimination capacity. It was shown the validity by correlations with constructs of machiavellianism, low anticipation, immature psychological defenses, the instinct of procreation, lack of purpose of life, low will, rigidity, depression, psychopathy, schizoid personality,hypomania, neglect of health and energy-intensive lifestyle on physiological level. It were calculated the norms for the test and were composed the descriptions of personality of different primativeness levels.

Key words:instinctive motivations, behavior, primativeness, reliability, validity, discrimination capacity, test."

"If you want to get acquainted with the test and purchase it, you can contact the Psychodiagnostics Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology Khn named after V.N. Karazina,

Unfortunately, there is no online access. What can be replaced?

3.World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior

Part I

Part 1: An expanded understanding of human behavior for economic development: A conceptualframework

CHAPTER 1: Thinking automatically | Audio

CHAPTER 2: Thinking socially | Audio

SPOTLIGHT 1: When corruption is the norm | Audio

CHAPTER 3: Thinking with mental models | Audio

SPOTLIGHT 2: Entertainment education | Audio

Part 2: Psychological and social perspectives on policy

CHAPTER 4: Poverty | Audio

SPOTLIGHT 3: How well do we understand the contexts of poverty? | Audio

CHAPTER 5: Early childhood development | Audio

CHAPTER 6: Household finance | Audio

CHAPTER 7: Productivity | Audio

SPOTLIGHT 4: Using ethnography to understand the workplace | Audio

CHAPTER 8: Health | Audio

CHAPTER 9: Climate change | Audio

SPOTLIGHT 5: Promoting water conservation in Colombia | Audio

Part III

Part 3: Improving the work of development professionals

CHAPTER 10: The biases of development professionals | Audio

CHAPTER 11: Adaptive design, adaptive interventions | Audio

SPOTLIGHT 6: Why should governments shape individual choices? | Audio

World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior

4.Questions about self-tracking

  1. How can self-tracking quantify the rationality of thought and behavior?
  2. How can self-tracking improve quantitatively the rationality of thought and behavior?
  3. What self-tracking methods do you know to improve the rationality of thinking and behavior?

5. Courses Human Behavioral Biology

I studying the works of Robert Morris Sapolsky Robert Sapolsky's Profile | Stanford Profiles
Lectures on Courses Human Behavioral Biology are very interesting and useful.

I recommend everyone to get acquainted with these lectures.

Lecture Collection | Human Behavioral Biology
25 видео

1.Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology
2.Behavioral Evolution
3.Behavioral Evolution II
4.Molecular Genetics I
5.Molecular Genetics II
6.Behavioral Genetics I
7.Behavioral Genetics II
8.Recognizing Relatives
10.Introduction to Neuroscience I
11.Introduction to Neuroscience II
13.Advanced Neurology and Endocrinology
14.Limbic System
15.Human Sexual Behavior I
16.Human Sexual Behavior II
17.Human Sexual Behavior III & Aggression I
18.Aggression II
19.Aggression III
20.Aggression IV
21.Chaos and Reductionism
22.Emergence and Complexity
25.Individual Differences

My topics